Daily Content
Fleck's Thoughts

Friends of Fleck

Marc Faber:
Editor of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report. Marc's mastery of fundamentals encompasses an amazing number of countries and financial markets. As a resident of Thailand, his viewpoint of Asia is especially important in the 21st century.
Jim Grant:
Editor of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer. Jim has forgotten more about economics and finance than most market participants will ever know. His fundamental analysis from micro and/or macro perspective alerts readers to changes in long-term trends.
Mike Oliver and his son have a technical service that seem to know when the algos are going to shift gears. He has made many great calls and I find his service invaluable. If you let him know you are a reader, you might get a break on price. Momentum Structural Analysis.
Fred Hickey:
The man who doesn't write his monthly newsletter "The High-Tech Strategist" until every trade magazine has been read, every important email absorbed, every key tech related web site has been visited, every important conference call has been listened to and every financial newspaper has been finished. The best $150 spent on research (except maybe the rap). To subscribe, send your name, address and check or money order for $150 (email delivery), $160 (US mail) or $195 (Int'l mail)to: The High-Tech Strategist, PO BOX 3133, Nashua, NH 03061
Jason Goepfert:
Publisher of sentimenTrader.com. Jason’s unique blend of daily market analysis and historical precedent provides readers with a balanced technical view of the market at a very fair price.
Jim Stack:
For the past 15 years Jim’s excellent InvesTech Research has caught the upside and downside better than almost anyone I know, making the $295 for his bi-weekly newsletter a mere pittance relatives to what it’s worth.
Kathy Derbes:
For those wishing to buy physical gold contact her at (214) 750-7300.
Chris Camarda:
Winemaker and owner of Andrew Will Winery. Great wines at very fair, if not cheap, prices.