Daily Content
Fleck's Thoughts

Special Features


Ideas on Low Gold Volatility — and A Story That Goes With It by Bob Ward, Are gold market quiet periods signs of a breakout?,
May 24, 2014, PDF right click to download

Gold in the Ascendancy 2004-2007 by Bob Ward, Gold has been in a bull market for the last three years or five years — depending on which part of the double bottom,
Dec. 10, 2009, PDF right click to download

A Contrarian's Dilemma by John Hathaway, From obscurity to celebrity in ten years, what next?
Nov. 10, 2009, PDF right click to download

Fleckenstein Capital

Eric King Interview, reader notes by Peter Pawalakos
10/24/2016, PDF format, right click to download

Short Selling
Oct. 6, 2014

Grant's Conference
Oct. 26, 2011

Year end nuggets compiled by a reader
Dec. 15, 2010, HTML format

Is the Fed a Short Sale by William A. Fleckenstein, 2004 New Orleans Investment Conference
2004, HTML format

Bubblenomics, by Bill Fleckenstein presented at the Contrary Opinion Forum
Oct. 1, 1999, HTML format

The Next Time Down, by Bill Fleckenstein
5/18/2004, HTML format.

Alan Greenspan: friend or foe, by Bill Fleckenstein
3/7/2000, HTML format.

Speech given by Bill at the Las Vegas precious-metals conference
April 2003. HTML format

Housing Hot Potato Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 by John Ray-Keil, A look into the shenanigans in the housing finance business.
November, 2003, HTML format


Morning Comment Joanie on the 'Great Protector' aka Easy Al. The always eloquent and direct Joanie McCullough succintly puts our current protectionist trend in perspective and places blame in the right place.
11/21/2003, HTML format


This Is How You Fix Congress And The Senate by A Fellow American
2010, HTML format

Crude Oil Contango by Bob Ward, who has written a book on options and wrote this summer about the contango in the futures market. This article will help folks better understand what is happening to oil and the USO.
2/23/2009, HTML format

Forecast for 2009 by James Howard Kunstler
1/1/2009, HTML format

Short-selling and the American free capital market system by a reader.
9/17/2008, HTML format

Comparing 16th Century Spain versus Current Conditions by Harris Kupperman
6/22/2006, HTML format

An open letter from a very knowledgeable reader on speculation (casinofication) and the risk to the financial system / country.

Justin Mamis's brilliant discussion of currency trading (they don't behave like stocks) and the ongoing demise of the dollar as the worlds reserve currency.
1/11/2005, PDF format, right click to download

Trading Options Q & A by Bob Ward, author of Options and Options Trading and former Merrill Gold Head Trader.
11/25/2005, PDF format, right click to download